Danielle Dee
5 min readJan 25, 2021

Analysis on the eye-opening ‘Heneral Luna’

Heneral Luna is a fictional movie that was based on factual events on the Philippine History during the Philippine-American War. Heneral Luna, being the main character in the movie was a Filipino who came from a big rich family, who was privileged enough to study in Europe with his brother and became a skilled doctor and chemist before he decided to join the military and lead the Filipinos in the war. If I were to compare him to others, he would be similar to the rich and privileged filipinos today who are lucky enough to study abroad, and have several opportunities in life ahead of them, which may be better than staying here in the Philippines. However, Heneral Luna knew that his destiny belonged in a different path, a path that allowed him to become a leader of his own country.

As a leader, I believe that Heneral Luna was a unifying force and polarizing force depending on the effect his character had on people, and the perspective they had on him. He is an arrogant and strict leader which his fellow Filipinos may despise and agree on, which is why he was constantly questioned, hated, and threatened by many. However, despite his questionable actions he knew what he had to do, and what had to be done in order to unite the Filipinos for the betterment and freedom of the Philippines. I believe that his actions and intentions were for good reasons and to instill discipline which the Filipinos lacked during that time and even to this day. However, his actions lead to him being seen as a polarizing force that divided the different filipino generals causing them to disagree with him and even want to fight and kill him. Several generals including President Aguinaldo were threatened by his power and potential, which caused chaos and clouded their judgement and actions in making decisions for the country during the Philippine-American war. I believe that people weren’t able to see past his arrogant and strict character and actions that they forgot his undeniable love and commitment for the country, and what he was truly trying to do for the Philippines.

With that being said, I believe that Captain Pedro Janolino was in a sense idolized when he assassinated Heneral Luna along with the other soldiers, because they saw it as a victory and were relieved when they repeatedly shot and knifed him even after he was already dead. In the movie you could see that Captain Pedro Janolino and his soldiers were very sadistic during the assassination. They were all happy about killing Luna when he was actually the best shot and general they had at leading the Philippines in the Philippine-American war and bringing them all together.

After watching the movie, I realized that being a servant-leader entails sacrifice, Unity in diversity is important, and that you should stay true to your principles. Although I am aware that being a servant-leader entails sacrifice, the movie really emphasized the importance of devotion and commitment when it comes to being a servant-leader. Heneral Luna did everything in his power to help unite and lead the Filipinos despite all the challenges and arguments he had with his the fellow generals and cabinet, to the point that he even faced them alone to his death. His death was definitely eye-opening because it really showed his willingness to die for his country, even if it meant facing his true enemies alone, his fellow filipinos. In the movie, it was said that the true enemy of filipinos were not the Americans, but the filipinos themselves. With that being said, without unity in diversity, the filipinos will not thrive and gain their power and freedom if they do not see past their differences and unite towards one goal and mission. I realized that unity in diversity is important especially in situations wherein the whole country has to unite in times of war or trouble. In the movie, it was evident that the filipinos were reluctant in following Heneral Luna’s orders because they thought his actions and ideas were crazy, and they were threatened by his power and potential. The president himself was threatened by Heneral Luna thus assassinated him and by that action only, already brought the Philippines to a loss. They could not see past their different ideas and opinions that it only brought them apart and killed their best general. Going their own ways does not allow them to progress and succeed as a nation and win the war. It is sad to see that the problem lies within Filipinos not being able to unite even when it is needed the most. Lastly, Heneral Luna was a great example of someone who stays true to his morals and principles. Heneral Luna taught me to stand up for what you believe in and value that. You should not allow anyone to stray you from your morals and principles, and to do what is right not only for yourself, but for others — and in his case, the Philippines. Staying true to your principles keeps you grounded and allows you to go on the right path, regardless of the obstacles and challenges you come across.

To conclude, I believe that Heneral Luna was assassinated because the president, along with the other filipino leaders were threatened by him and did not want him to succeed. They did not like the idea of him replacing President Aguinaldo because they knew he was capable of doing so, because his intentions, whether deemed as ‘crazy’ actions were always pure. He was willing to die for his country and do whatever he can to protect it. However, I believe that those reasons were not exactly worth dying for because as I mentioned earlier, they lost the best shot and leader they had at leading them to freedom. Although after watching the movie, I find his death very bitter-sweet because it was a real eye-opener to see that certain people have to go through such losses or even death for others to see what the Philippines is missing, what they need to work on, and who they should have looked up to, after his death. Heneral luna’s assassination or death was an eye-opener and a clear reflection of humanity. His death revealed the unfortunate reality of humanity which shouldn’t have to be seen or realized because of that.